daddy dearest why are you in the bathroom while boyfriend is taking a shower
daddy dearest why are you in the bathroom while boyfriend is taking a shower
Cortex looks down upon crash's grave and reads the text engraved on the stone;
Final words:
Cortex holds back another tear as he leaves a wumpa fruit next next to the grave and walks away
That would've actually been good
6 5 4 3 2 1 bLASTOFF
is this the very first on newgrounds?
that id tho
damn, so close to perfection. 777779
LOL! Stupid 9 >:(
He cried so hard he warped to the third dimension
In like second grade music class we did a vote on which song we would play and I was the only kid that picked "It's raining tacos"
There were only 2 options...
PSN: Vaporeon231
Xbox: SCM#2543
Steam: Samscm
Kongregate: Vaporeon8090
MetaGamerScore: SCM
Gaming, Drawing
High School
United States
Joined on 11/29/18