It's like shoot the square, I love it
It's like shoot the square, I love it
The game doesn't start, stuck on "click to focus", do you have to be on a specific browser or press a specific button?
The game should work and go into fullscreen if you click on it, if it doesn't work then try playing on chrome or firefox, if it still doesn't work it could be either your connection or a glitch within GDevelop itself.
stardew valley rocket league
metroid vibes
to people hating in ratings, this is a remake and a good one at that. Y'all never played stardew valley?
Okay game, just kinda boring and grindy if you die..
If you can't perfectly replicate the mona lisa in less than a minute, you are not human
The medals are bugged and I got 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and "wrecked the tree after santa's visit" before I even started the game
Cool game, but the platform left at the last second and resulted in a softlock right at the end of the level :(
PSN: Vaporeon231
Xbox: SCM#2543
Steam: Samscm
Kongregate: Vaporeon8090
MetaGamerScore: SCM
Gaming, Drawing
High School
United States
Joined on 11/29/18